Mission Vision & Goals


We are committed to the development and implementation of a comprehensive care model for orphaned and abandoned children throughout East Africa. We aim to strengthen each child and the organizations serving them through programs that are locally relevant and sustainably executed.

We strive to:

  • Inspire orphaned and vulnerable children in East Africa to realize their full potential by providing funding, partnerships and resources for education, vocational training and economic development.
  • Cultivate each child's unique abilities through empowerment and leadership development, inspiring individuals and local communities in pursuit of their goals and dreams.
  • Promote innovation and enable self sufficiency.
  • Eradicate stigma and prejudice.


We envision a world in which every child is nurtured, supported and educated. We hope to see communities unite around the potential of their youth and invest in the growth and health of their future leaders. Baraka Africa will inspire collaborative solutions to the issues facing orphaned and vulnerable youth and will be known for empowering this marginalized population.


Sustainable Development

  • Refine a sustainable model of comprehensive care that is relevant across diverse communities and that is responsive to dynamic needs.
  • Implement the model with partner orphanages to enable increased capacity, comprehensive care, sustainability and income generation.
  • Partner with microfinance organizations to provide entrepreneurial opportunities for youth in their local community.
  • Formalize partnerships with scholarship providers in each community to increase educational opportunities for all orphans.

Education & Outreach

  • Increase graduation rates by 50% by 2012.
  • Decrease "orphan stigma" in local community by increasing community involvement and leadership.
  • Reduce instances of "orphan dependency syndrome" through individualized, holistic care.


  • Identify communities in need of a sustainable orphanage model and engage local community and web of partners to build and sustain such a facility and resource center.
  • Extend focus and model to address needs of war torn and displaced communities with high orphan populations to reinvigorate culture, invest in local youth and instill hope for change and progress.
  • Establish a network of care providers committed to regional collaboration.

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